
for Museums

It's beautiful that Mila-wall is so beautiful. Especially in the sensitive area of art and space, the pure aesthetics of these walls becomes clear. The noble, timeless form is achieved by the ingenious aesthetic construction without any visible connection technology. This enables years of use and endless design possibilities. Because Mila-wall is not only wall, but also sound, LED, interactivity, radii and much more.


Inspiration museums

Behind every great work of art is an even greater wall

Mila-wall exhibition walls cut a fine figure in any museum - whether in Germany, Korea, France or the USA. A selection:

Museum of Decorative Arts Prague

In the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, an exhibition on Zika and Lida Ascher showed how they influenced the fashion industry with their extraordinary fabrics.

  1. Visit museum

Humanist Library Sélestat

After four years of renovation, the Humanist Library in Sélestat (Schlettstadt in Alsace) has reopened its doors. The library is a unique testimony to the spiritual renewal that marked the 14th century in Europe. The Mila-wall walls by MBA France, with their clear design and modular structure, can be reused by the library in various configurations for future exhibitions.

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GPM Documentary Hall

The Documentary Material Hall includes an introduction to documentary material such as books, letters, diaries, certificates, and portraits of the Joseon Dynasty. The exhibits on display are approximately 300-500 years old and therefore very sensitive to light, temperature, and humidity. Small showcases in the double-sided Mila-wall elements and large self-standing display cases between the movable walls offer protection and optimal presentation at the same time. Horizontal and vertical drawers are integrated into the Mila-wall wall modules.

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Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade

After the approximately 8000 works of art in the museum were kept in the National Bank's safe for 10 years, they are now once again accessible to the public. On Mila-wall wall modules.

  1. Visit museum

Almost a work of art in itself.

Mila-wall wall modules

Mila-wall exhibition walls are aesthetic, sustainable and economical. Our kind of modular construction is architecture with the wall in its purest form.

  1. See for yourself

Again and again and again and again.

Mila-wall uses a patented joining technique that allows finished wall modules to be joined together in the shortest possible time to form spatial structures. Again and again.

More visitors does not mean more noise.

Mila-wall Acoustic

Our new, sound-absorbing exhibition walls from the Mila-wall series combine aesthetic wall design with significant acoustic improvements. No other wall with this wall thickness reduces reverberation better than Mila-wall Acoustic.

  1. Take the hearing test

Better safe than sorry.

Mila-wall Alarm/Safety

Exhibition walls from the Mila-wall alarm wall series can be equipped for capacitive object monitoring of artworks and exhibits and for connection to monitoring and alarm systems.

  1. Further information on object monitoring

Contact person

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